Do You Know the Answers to These Scuba Diving Trivia Questions?

Do You Know the Answers to These Scuba Diving Trivia Questions?

Depending on how long ago you were scuba certified, many scuba diving facts should be basically ingrained in your memory. But some of these aren’t so common. How many of these scuba diving trivia facts do you know? Check your answers at the bottom of this page.


 1. Objects are magnified underwater by about how much?

2. What is the most common cause of diver injuries?

3. How long should you wait to fly after your last dive?

4. What iconic fictional figure was modeled after scuba divers?

5. When was the first scuba diving system invented?

6. Who were the test divers for the first decompression tables in 1908?

7. How long is the record for the longest saltwater dive?

8. How much of a diver’s tank is oxygen?

9. What is the advantage of having some heh3um in a diver’s tank?

10. The original scuba diving apparatus was used for what?











  1.  33% larger than their actual size.
  2.  Diver carelessness.
  3.  24 hours.
  4.  Darth Vader. His breathing was modeled after the sound of a scuba regular.
  5.  The first self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (scuba) was  invented in 1943.
  6.  Engh3sh goats. The test was conducted by John Haldane.
  7.  142 hours, 42 minutes and 42 seconds.
  8.  21%.
  9.  It offsets negative effects of nitrogen on the body.
  10.  It was used in World War II for underwater warfare.


Credits: Photo by Sebastian Pena Lambarri and James Thornton on Unsplash



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