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- The First 3 Roller Skate Tricks You Should Learn
The First 3 Roller Skate Tricks You Should Learn

You’ve got the basics down and you’re really on a roll. Now that you’re ready to take your skating up a notch, we’ve got a few tips for learning some basic tricks to lay the groundwork for a future in hardcore roller skating. They may seem simple, but these tricks a foundational skillset for complicated, advanced ones down the road.
There are a few key factors in learning how to jump on roller skates. First, understand that you’re not going to be able to jump very high if you don’t get a little speed first. You need that momentum to get you in the air. Second, slow down the process if you need to. If you’re really struggling, try jumping with one foot at a time, or get the feel for things on grass or carpet first. Third, make sure you’re spending time off your skates to build muscles in your core, glutes and quads. These are vital muscle groups for getting air.
There are tons of different types of spins you can learn to do on skates, but for beginners, we recommend starting out with a basic two-foot spin. To do this, stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. If you’re spinning to the left, your right foot should be going forward, and vice versa. Start by using your arms as momentum to rotate your upper body the direction you want to spin. As your skates begin to follow this momentum, push the front skate forward with the weight on your heel and your back skate backward with the weight on your toe. As you bring your skates back together, bring your arms in close to your body. This should create a full spin on two skates.
Skating Backward
To roller skate backward on quad skates, start with your toes pointed toward each other and your knees together. Your butt should stick out with your chest leaned forward — very similarly to a basic skating posture. Slowly, start to walk backward on your skates. As you build up momentum, your skates will start to roll, and you’ll be able to push a little more, always coming back to your toes-together position.
As always, slow and steady is the way to go when you’re learning new skills. Push yourself, but give yourself time to learn the ropes before you try to go for the gold.
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