Gear Aid Tenacious Tape Outdoor Gear Repair Patches, Happy Camper
- Self-adhesive outdoor gear repair patches in fun shapes
- Use to seal rips, tears and cuts on jackets, backpacks, tents and more
- Aggressive adhesive seals to a permanent bond in 24 hours
- Patched items are washable
- Easy to apply in the field, no ironing or glue needed
Don’t throw away that valuable down jacket, sleeping bag, backpack or tent just because it has a rip, tear or cut. With Gear Aid Tenacious Tape Outdoor Gear Repair Patches you can repair your gear in minutes and keep using it for years!
Just clean the area to be patched with isopropyl alcohol to remove any dirt and oils, peel off the patch backing, position it over the area to be patched, press down and outward to remove any bubbles, and allow to cure in place for 24 hours. Your repaired item is ready for use, and can even be washed without disturbing the patch. See full package instructions.
Happy Camper pack includes four sheets of patches in shapes like tent, log, tree, leaves, trees, stars and Sasquatch.
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