Trim The Holiday Fat - 7 Tips To Get Back In Shape Fast

Trim The Holiday Fat - 7 Tips To Get Back In Shape Fast


Now that the holidays are almost over, people are starting to wake up from the food coma they’ve been in for the past 6 weeks. Some brave souls have even stepped on a scale to see how much weight they gained during the holidays. Do you feel as stuffed as the turkey you ate for Christmas? Get a jump start on trimming your holiday bulge with these 7 easy tips.


Holiday Fact: People consume between 5,200-7,000 calories on Christmas Day, according to estimates.


1) Protein, protein, protein -

Focus on eating meals made with low-fat protein in order to get your body back into fat-burning mode. Eating enough protein will help diminish your cravings for sugar and keep your appetite in check.


2) Limit your carbs

Try eating one carb-free meal a day (preferably for dinner). You don’t have to do anything extreme but limiting carbs will bring fast results. Your body will release excess water and you’ll end up feeling less bloated.


3) Exercise -

Once the late-night parties and celebrating are over, it’s tough to find the motivation to work out. Start easy by simply walking around town or taking a yoga class to get the energy going. You’ll be back to your regular workout routine before you know it.  


4) Cut out the sugar -

Remember all those amazing Christmas cookies and baked desserts you ate over the holidays? Say goodbye to them for a while. Remove as much sugar out of your diet as possible to stabilize your insulin levels and get your body back in shape faster.


Tip: If you have a sweet tooth, eat an apple when you have a craving. Over time, you’ll train your body to crave apples instead of candy.  


5) Don’t drink your calories -

Alcohol and other high-calorie drinks are one of the main reasons people gain weight over the holidays. Give up any drink that contains calories and replace it with water or calorie-free drinks.


6) Get plenty of rest

Catch up on all the sleep you’ve missed in the past few weeks, especially if you’ve been out partying and celebrating a lot. If you’re too tired to think clearly, you’ll be more likely to indulge in high-calorie food.


7) Don’t stress over a few pounds -

Recent studies have shown that people who are at their target weight during the year only gain about 1 pound over the holidays. Once you return to your normal eating pattern and workout schedule, your target weight will also return.


With a little bit of effort, you’ll get rid of the holiday bulge soon enough. But the one thing you should never lose are the amazing memories you created with family and friends over the holiday. Here’s to a healthy and happy New Year!



Credit: Photo by schantalao / Freepik


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