Roller Skating Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Whether you’ve got a little one who’s taken up an interest in roller skating or you’re putting together a Christmas list to hand out to your own relatives, trying to narrow down the “perfect” list of gifts for someone who loves roller skating can be quite a task. Because let’s be honest: there’s no limit to how many roller-happy tchotchkes you can have to show off your passion. Need a few more to top off your list? We’ve got a few ideas in mind…
Skate laces. Can’t roller skate without laces (well, you could try but you wouldn’t get too far). Laces are a great little accessory to slip into a stocking because skaters always more of them. They’re also the perfect piece to show off some personality.
Skate leash. The perfect gift for the forgetful skater — or just someone who carries around their skates like they’re the star of a 70s musical.
Bearing lubricant. Going for something a little more functional? Don’t attempt to buy them new bearings; just — don’t. They’re almost guaranteed to have their picky preferences. But bearing lubricant is the next best thing and something they can never get enough of.
Insoles. Those feet sure do take a beating when they’re on wheels. A good pair of insoles are super useful (and might even make their skating technique better!).
Pin. We’re cheating a little bit here because this category is so broad. Go look up “roller skating pin” on Google. We dare you to open up that Pandora’s Box.
Socks. This one’s for the grandmother out there who just loves to give socks for Christmas. Now’s your time to shine.
Hockey tape. Hockey tape is used in roller derby to protect skate boots from damage. A great one for that skater who goes through roller skates like they’re water.
Epsom salts. Epsom salts are as common as shampoo among roller skaters. They always need them and can never have enough.
A spa gift card. If you’re looking to go for something a little more special, a gift card to a nail salon or spa is like a trip to Disneyland for roller skaters. Treat them to a pedicure or a massage and they’ll never forget it.
Jacket patch. This one’s in the same vein as pins — there are so. many. options. But skaters love to show off their passion, so you can’t go wrong with a good jacket patch.
Face paint. If you’ve ever seen a derby match, it’s like a performance and a sports match all rolled up into one. Many derby teams paint their faces before a match, so a palette of face paint is a fun gift to get.
Skate key. This universal tool is designed to quickly tighten the axle nuts on your wheels and usually comes in the form of a keychain for quick and easy use.
Mouthguard spray. That mouthguard can get pretty raunchy after a while. Freshen it up with mouthguard spray for her gear bag, or hey, you could always get a new mouthguard as a gift instead!
Ankle booties. Bruised and swollen ankles are a pretty common occurrence for regular roller skaters. And if your loved one is fresh meat, that possibility is much higher. Keep them comfy with a pair of ankle booties for the holidays.
Toe stops. Most roller skate toe stops are removable, and because they take obvious wear and tear due to their function, they’re a frequently replaced piece.
- Outdoors Staff
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