How to Repair a Wetsuit

Whether you’re scuba diving, surfing or wakeboarding, your wetsuit is an investment. It may be a costly piece of gear, but it’s worth the warmth and protection to make sure you feel comfortable (and stay safe). But when that wetsuit you spent a pretty penny on gets a snag — it’s a huge bummer. Luckily, there are steps you can take to fix your wetsuit without having to throw it out completely. Use this guide to fix a hole in your suit.
What You’ll Need
- Neoprene sealant or adhesive
- Small paintbrush for application
- Rubbing alcohol
- Weight bags or any other weighted object
- A large trash bag or tarp
How to Repair a Wetsuit Hole
- Make sure your wetsuit is clean and completely dry before you start.
- Turn your wetsuit inside out and lay it on a clean, dry trash bag or tarp.
- Use the rubbing alcohol to clean the area that was damaged. Make sure there is no sand or wax on the material.
- Apply a single coat of neoprene sealant around all sides of the tear using the small paintbrush. Do not attempt to seal the hole yet. Let the glue dry for 2 to 3 minutes.
- Apply a second coat of neoprene sealant around all sides of the tear and allow it to dry for 10 minutes.
- After you have allowed both coatings to dry, gently press the sides of the rip together. Use the weight bags or weighted object to hold the sides in place.
- Allow the wetsuit to sit this way, with the weights still on it, for at least 6 hours.
- Apply a third layer of neoprene sealant to the now repaired hole and leave it to dry for another 6 hours.
- Turn the wetsuit inside out, and apply a final layer of neoprene sealant to the outside of the hole. Leave it to dry for another 6 hours.
While the process of repairing a wetsuit hole is fairly simple, there are a few things you should keep in mind when repairing and caring for your wetsuit overall.
- Never use bleach to clean your wetsuit.
- Never put your wetsuit in a washing machine, dryer or dry cleaner.
- Do not iron your wetsuit or leave it in a hot car.
- Coat your wetsuit zipper in beeswax to prevent it from snagging the neoprene of your wetsuit.
- Avoid lending your wetsuit to others for long periods of time. It can affect the way it molds to your own body.
- Watersports Staff
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