How to Find the Perfect Skate Spot

Is your current skate spot holding you back from reaching your full potential? Whether you’re on a skateboard, cruiser, longboard or pair of roller skates, we all need a little inspiration from time to time. Do you prefer a scenic destination or a secret spot with rad gear? Here are a few tips and tricks on finding your dream skate spot.
1. Explore Your Hometown
The absolute best way to find a solid skate spot is to simply cruise. It doesn’t matter if you walk, drive or skate, get out of your general vicinity and look around. The more you know your hometown, the easier it’ll be to stumble upon what might just be a hidden gem. Pro Tip: Turn on your phone location services. Snap a picture when you come across a promising spot. Using this method, you’ll always have the exact location with a reference photo within hands reach. Make sure to stay safe, search during daylight and avoid exploring by yourself!
2. Zoom in on Maps
So maybe you don't love the idea of spending a couple hours roaming endlessly looking for a decent spot. The internet is your best friend. Open up your favorite map app with satellite imagery and start zooming in. This method is just as time consuming as getting up and exploring but you can be in the comfort of your home. You also avoid the added danger of possibly stumbling somewhere you don’t want to be. Zoom in on plaza’s, behind industrial parks and anywhere that you haven’t explored before.
3. Watch Local Content
Skate culture and content creation are one. If you love to skate, then you're more likely than not grabbing your phone and shooting your best tricks. Follow local hashtags, skate shops and brands to see social media posts that may directly link you to a new spot. Open your eyes to the content you’re consuming and is being produced around you. You’ll be surprised to find the random locations other local skaters are hanging out at. Eventually you’ll be at the right place at the right time and you can network. Once you become immersed in your local skate community, you’ll be able to access an abundance of cool spots that are only available through word of mouth - or in a post.
4. Apps are the Future
Although there are plenty of critics, skate spot apps are becoming mainstream. Gen Z reigns supreme and they’re actively downloading. Some top downloaded apps are; Loke, Snarly, ShredSpot, Sk8Spots, etc. Currently, SpotSesh is the top rated skate spot finder on the iOS App Store with a 4.5 star rating and 232 mostly positive reviews. To avoid lackluster content, do some diligent research to see which apps are being used the most in your community. This is still a fairly new concept, the quality of the posts will vary depending on engagement. Do not underestimate the power of skate spot apps, this is the future.
5. Do It Yourself
Once you’ve graduated from your front yard curb and you’ve exhausted every search opportunity, maybe it's time to start building. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Although this isn’t the ideal option for everyone, it is still possible. There is an entire niche YouTube community dedicated to posting content on do-it yourself skate spots. Here is a recent video from Zack Dowdy on,“How to DIY Skate Spots | 10 Tips Under $30.” Ask for help and make sure you’re following all rules and regulations. This is a great way to gather a group of friends and build something you can all use!
Skate parks aren’t available in all communities, don’t be discouraged and you’ll find the perfect place to shred on. Remember skating is about freedom, so go out there and explore! Follow the Shop709 blog for upcoming tips and tricks for all things adventure.
- Outdoors Staff
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