The Best Skateparks in the UK

The Best Skateparks in the UK

Hitting the same skate spots over and over again can get a little boring, and it can also be a major detriment to your progress as a skater. Without some variety in the obstacles you’re skating, it’s difficult to challenge yourself or attempt new tricks.


With summer on the horizon, we’re looking at some of our dream skate spots around the globe. This week’s feature: The United Kingdom. Here are a few of our favorites.


Adrenaline Alley

Located in Corby, Northamptonshire, this skatepark is massive. The ramps are top quality and are super durable, so they ride really well and don’t wear down like lesser quality materials. At 51 thousand square feet, there really is something for everyone, including a 70-foot pipe and learning sessions for beginners.


Ramp City

Ramp City is a 20 thousand square-foot park located in Blackpool, Lancashire. Great upkeep and space for tons of lines, this one is updated with new obstacles pretty regularly, so you can expect new challenges often. Another bonus: all-day lockers are available for just ₤2, so you don’t have to worry about some kid swiping your stuff.


Stoke Plaza

It can be harder to find a good outdoor skatepark in the UK because of the gloomier weather. But Stoke Plaza is an awesome all-concrete course that’s great for all levels of skaters. It’s free to skate and has three joined bowls, plus a variety of flat banks, stair sets, rails, hubbas, manny pads and ledges. This street plaza mimics the urban area around it, so it’s great for street skaters.


House of Vans

This skatepark in Waterloo, London is built in the unused tunnels of Waterloo train station. With a super deep bowl and mini ramp area, this skatepark also acts as a venue with a movie theater, bar and café, music stage exhibition space and more. The unique space draws in big names like Tony Alva, Dizzee Rascal and the Foo Fighters, so you know you’ll want to stop and check it out.



This London indoor skatepark was known as PlayStation skatepark for years before it was changed to Xbox park. In 2011, Nike took it over and it’s now known as one of the best parks in the country. This park can be a little rough to get the hang of for beginning skaters, but the park does offer beginner-only sessions so you can get the lay of the land. Be sure to call ahead if you’re planning a trip to visit this park because it’s used pretty frequently for demos and competitions.



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